- To provide training to Judicial Officers;
- To provide facilities of training to Para-Judicial and Quasi Judicial Officers;
- To provide facilities of training to Police Officers, Public Prosecutors, Government Advocates, Medical Officers, etc;
- To provide facilities of training to Ministerial Officers working in the High Court of Bombay and in Districts;
- To provide judicial education to Judicial Officers;
- To undertake, recognize and facilitate study courses, conferences, seminars, lectures and research in the matters relating to Court Management and Administration of Justice;
- To conduct or sponsor training programs for Judicial Officers and Court Administrators who are dealing with the Courts, Management of Case Laws and Court Technology (Computers);
- To provide and disseminate information and arrange lectures relating to administration of justice;
- To publish syllabi, commentary books, books periodicals, reports and other lectures relating to law and allied fields;
- To undertake documentation of important, legal and allied materials;
- To establish and maintain library;
- To prescribe rules and regulations for the management and administration of the Academy;
- To strengthen the rule of law by suggesting procedural, substantive and institutional reforms;
- To co-operate, interact and collaborate with other societies, institutions and organizations, national and international in the pursuit of all or any of the above objectives of the Academy;
- To assist, interact and collaborate in promoting study of court management with other institutions and bodies, both within the country and abroad;
- Mediation Centre and Training Institute would operate at a National and International level, thereby bring a transformative approach to the mediation;
- To do all such other lawful acts and things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the objectives of the Academy;
- To establish educational institutions to impart legal education.